Personalised Cushions

Name Cushions

Make a gift extra special by adding the name of the recipient - a unique present for new baby, for birthdays, or for celebrating your family. Choose the colour and theme and then add the recipient's name.

Wedding & Anniversary Cushions

A one-of-a-kind cushion is the perfect choice for a wedding or anniversary gift - personalised with the name of the couple and the date of their special day. Choose from a simple heart design or traditional 16-patch cushion or just let me know if you have your own idea for a design ...

Personalised Name Cushion

Personalised Name Cushion

Looking for a one of a kind gift? Choose a personalised cushion for that special occasion. Choose c..


Personalised Wedding Cushion

Personalised Wedding Cushion

Searching for a bespoke, handmade gift for the happy couple? Choose a personalised cushion to mark ..


Personalised Anniversary Cushion

Personalised Anniversary Cushion

A unique, one-of-a-kind gift for a wedding anniverary?Choose a personalised cushion to mark their sp..


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